Articles on: Content

Connecting your Facebook and Instagram accounts

Before you can start aggregating content from Facebook and Instagram, your Buzzspark account must have at least one valid connection with a Facebook account.

Why do you need to connect Facebook and Instagram accounts to Buzzspark?

Buzzspark uses the Facebook Graph API to ingest content from Facebook and Instagram, which requires all requests to be authenticated. The process of authentication involves connecting your Facebook account to Buzzspark and granting permission for Buzzspark to aggregate content on your behalf.

Buzzspark will never publish posts on your behalf and at no point will your account information be exposed or used by Buzzspark for anything other than aggregating content.

What are the requirements to connect a Facebook account?

The Facebook Page you wish to aggregate content from must be a Business Page – content cannot be aggregated from personal profiles.

The Facebook Page must be managed via Facebook Business Manager. Business Manager is a Facebook tool that lets you manage your business’ Ad accounts, Pages, and people who work on them, all in one place.
If you have not enabled Business Manager for your Facebook Page, see Create a Business Manager.
If you need to add your Facebook Page to an existing Business Manager, see Add a Page to your Business Manager.
Ensure your Business Manager has a primary Page set – see Change your primary Page in Business Manager.

The Facebook account you use to connect with Buzzspark must have a role of Manager for your Facebook Page assigned within Business Manager.
To add people to your Business Manager, see How to Add People to Your Facebook Business Manager.
To assign the Manager role to a Facebook account for your Facebook Page, see Add people to Pages in Business Manager.

What are the requirements to connect an Instagram account?

To aggregate content from Instagram, your Instagram account must either be a ‘Business’ or ‘Creator’ account and linked to a Facebook account that meets the above criteria.

Learn more about linking your Facebook and Instagram accounts.

Can multiple Facebook accounts be connected to a Buzzspark account?

Yes, and we recommend doing so for redundancy. You may also need to connect additional accounts if you need to aggregate content from Facebook Pages or Instagram accounts that are linked to or managed by different Facebook users.

An individual Facebook account can only be connected to one Buzzspark account. To connect the same Facebook account with another Buzzspark account, you must first remove it from any other Buzzspark account it is already connected with.

Connecting your Facebook account to Buzzspark

Once logged into Buzzspark, follow the steps below to connect your Facebook account.

Step One: Navigate to Connections

From the left menu, browse to Settings > Connections.

Step Two: Sign in with Facebook

Click on the Facebook / Instagram tab at the top.
Then click on the Login with Facebook button.

Step Three: Login to Facebook

In the Facebook Login window that pops-up, login using the credentials of the Facebook account you want to connect. You will not see this page if you are already logged into Facebook and you can skip to the next step.

Four: Select your desired profile

Hashtag Aggregator – Connecting Facebook account with continued log in
Click on the Continue as…. Button.

Step Five: Allow access to all pages you manage or choose what to allow

We recommend clicking on the OK button in the bottom right to be able to aggregate content from all Facebook pages you manage.

Buzzspark will never publish posts on your behalf and at no point will your account information be exposed or used by Buzzspark for anything other than aggregating content.

Alternatively, you can click on the Choose what to allow button to grant Buzzspark access only to specific pages. On the next page, select the pages you want to aggregate content from and click OK as shown below.

Step Six: Your Facebook account is now connected with Buzzspark

Social Media Aggregation – Successful connection to Facebook and Instagram account
You will automatically be returned to the Buzzspark Connections page and your Facebook account will appear in the list of connected accounts.

You can connect additional Facebook accounts, Re-connect or Remove existing accounts at any time from the Connections page.

Updated on: 03/02/2023

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