Articles on: Content

Connecting your Twitter accounts

Before you can start aggregating content from Twitter, your Buzzspark account must have at least one valid connection with a Twitter account.

Why do you need to connect Twitter accounts to Buzzspark?

Buzzspark uses the Twitter API to ingest content from Twitter, which requires all requests to be authenticated. The process of authentication involves connecting your Twitter account to Buzzspark and granting permission for Buzzspark to aggregate content on your behalf.

Buzzspark will never publish posts on your behalf and at no point will your account information be exposed or used by Buzzspark for anything other than aggregating content.

Can multiple Twitter accounts be connected to a Buzzspark account?

Yes, and we recommend doing so for busy campaigns, or if you have large sets of content to backfill. Twitter accounts for your organisation, brand and team members can all be connected to your Buzzspark account.

An individual Twitter account can only be connected to one Buzzspark account. To connect the same Twitter account with another Buzzspark account, you must first remove it from any other Buzzspark account it is already connected with.

Connecting your Twitter account to Buzzspark

Once logged into Buzzspark, follow the steps below to connect your Twitter account.

Step One: Navigate to Connections

From the left menu, browse to Settings > Connections.

Step Two: Sign in with Twitter

Click on the Twitter tab at the top.
Then click on the Sign in with Twitter button.

Step Three: Login to Twitter

In the Twitter authorisation window that pops-up, login using the credentials of the Twitter account you want to connect. You will not see this page if you are already logged into Twitter and you can skip to the next step.

Step Four: Authorise Buzzspark to access your Twitter account

Click on the Authorize app button to authorise Buzzspark to access your account.

Buzzspark will never publish posts on your behalf and at no point will your account information be exposed or used by Buzzspark for anything other than aggregating content.

Step 5: Your Twitter account is now connected with Buzzspark

You will automatically be returned to the Buzzspark Connections page and your Twitter account will appear in the list of connected accounts.

You can connect additional Twitter accounts, Re-Connect or Remove existing accounts at any time from the Connections page.

Updated on: 03/02/2023

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