Articles on: Content

Banned Word Filter

When you create a new Source, the default setting is to enable the Banned Word Filter. You can easily override this setting for existing or new Sources; however, we recommend leaving it enabled.

This article covers:
What is the Global Banned Word List?
Enabling or Disabling the Banned Word Filter for a Source
Viewing the Global Banned Word List
Searching for an existing banned word
Adding a new word to the list
Editing or Deleting a word from the list
Exporting the Global Banned Word List
Importing a list of banned words
Resetting the Global Banned Word List

What is the Global Banned Word List?

The Global Banned Word List contains a pre-defined set of inappropriate or NSFW (not suitable for work) words. When content is aggregated via a Source with the Banned Word Filter enabled, any posts containing a word on the Global Banned Word List will automatically be set to the Disabled state. This simplifies the moderation process and prevents such content from inadvertently appearing in Displays.

Enabling or Disabling the Banned Word Filter for a Source

You can enable or disable the Banned Word Filter settings for Sources in Buzzspark at any time. Refer to Bulk Actions for Sources if you need to do this for multiple Sources in one go.

Step 1:

From the left menu, navigate to Content > Sources.

Step 2:

Locate the Source you want edit and click on the corresponding Edit button in the Actions column.

Step 3:

Click on the Moderation tab of the Source.

Select the Enable Banned Word Filter checkbox if you want to enable banned word filtering for this Source, or uncheck it to disable it.

Click the Save and Close button at the bottom when done.

Any changes to a Source, apply to new content ingested via that Source from the time the changes are saved. Any previously aggregated content will remain unchanged.

Viewing the Global Banned Word List

From the left menu, navigate to Settings > Banned Words.
The Banned Words page lists all words currently defined in your Buzzspark account.

Searching for an existing banned word

You can search to see if a particular word is already included in the list by typing the word in the search field and clicking on the search icon.

Adding a new word to the list

Click on the orange +Word button at the top and add the word in the Add New Word modal.

Word – enter the word you want to add to the list.

Use partial matching - select this checkbox to expand the match criteria for this word. For example, if you enable partial matching for the word "bread", it will also include words such as "gingerbread" and "breadcrumb".

Click Save to add the new word to the list.

Editing or Deleting a word from the list

On the Banned Words page, locate the word you want to edit or delete and click on the corresponding Edit or Delete buttons.

You can also select multiple words by selecting the corresponding checkboxes to the left and clicking on the Delete button on the bulk actions window at the top.

Exporting the Global Banned Word List

Click on the blue Export button at the top which will download a CSV file of all words. Depending on your browser settings, you may be prompted to select where to save the file, or it may automatically be saved to your configured Downloads folder.

Importing a list of banned words

Click on the blue Import button at the top which launches the Import modal. You can click on the example link to download an example CSV file in the required format.

When uploading a CSV file, you can further select the Action as follows:

Add to existing list – selecting this option will add any word in the uploaded file to the existing Global Banned Word list.
Replace existing list - selecting this option will replace the entire Global Banned Word list with words from the uploaded.

Resetting the Global Banned Word List

Click on the amber Reset button at the top to reset the current list to standard, pre-defined list by Buzzspark.

Updated on: 03/02/2023

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