Articles on: Content

Customising Form Messages

All custom options for Forms are grouped into tabs in the right sidebar when editing a Form. This article covers the Messages tab, which allows you to customise the thank you and error messages used in a Form, including custom data fields. You can also view all available custom options along with the structure and terminology used in Forms.

Customising Forms – Messages Tab

From the left menu, browse to Content > Forms.
Click on the Edit button under the Actions column for Form you wish to edit.
On the Edit Form page, click on the Messages tab in the right sidebar to edit any of the options described below.

Thank You Message – lets you customise the thank you message displayed to users after completing a submission.

Edit the messages as required
Enable/disable the HTML editor as required
Use the editor toolbar to format text or enter any custom HTML
Click Apply when done.

Error Messages – here you can customise the various error messages shown to content contributors and click Apply when done.
Display Name – shown if Display Name is required and not completed.
Email – shown if an empty or invalid email is entered.
Media – shown if media uploads are required and no files have been selected for submission.
Captions – shown if captions are required and not completed.
reCAPTCHA – shown if the reCAPTCHA is not completed.
Terms & Conditions – shown if the T&Cs checkbox is not selected.
Custom Field 1 & Custom Field 2 – shown if custom fields are enabled, set to required and not completed.

Click on the bottom right Save Changes button to save changes o your Form when done.

Updated on: 03/02/2023

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