Articles on: Managing your Account

Editing an Account User

Editing Account Users

Step 1:

From the left menu, browse to Users > Account Users.

Step 2:

Locate the Account Users you wish to edit:
To edit a single Account User, click one of the buttons in the Actions column for that user:
Edit - launches the Edit User modal as shown in the next step below.
Revoke - permanently removes the Account User from the Account. A revoked user will need to be re-invited if you need to add them back to the Account. A confirmation is required to complete this action.

To edit multiple Account Users, select the corresponding checkboxes to the left of each user and click on one of the buttons in the Bulk Actions menu at the top.
Enable - Enables access for the selected Account Users.
Disable - Disables access for the selected Account Users without removing the users form the Account.
Revoke - Permanently removes the selected Account Users from the Account. Revoked users will need to be re-invited if you need to add them back to the Account.

Step 3:

This step is only applicable when editing individual Account Users.

Status – click to toggle between Enabled or Disabled to allow/block access for the Account User without removing them from the list of Account Users.
Revoke Access – click to permanently remove the Account User from the Account.
Roles – edit the assigned role to the Account User as required. See Understanding Roles for Buzzspark Account Users.
Save – click to save your changes.

Updated on: 04/02/2023

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