Articles on: Content

How to enable or disable a Source

When you create a Source in Buzzspark, the default setting is to enable the Source, so it starts aggregating content once the Source is saved. You can enable or disable Sources in Buzzspark when creating a Source or at any point later. See also, Editing or Deleting Sources.

There are two ways to enable or disable Sources in Buzzspark.
Editing individual Sources – see below
Using Bulk Actions – useful if you want to enable or disable multiple Sources in one go.

Editing a Source to enable or disable aggregation

Step 1:

From the left menu, navigate to Content > Sources.

Step 2:

Locate the Source you want to enable or disable and click on the corresponding Edit button in the Actions column.

Step 3:

In the Edit Source page, click on the Aggregation tab.

Step 4:

Select the Enable Aggregation for this Source checkbox if you want to enable aggregation for this Source. Uncheck the Enable Aggregation for this Source checkbox if you want to disable aggregation for this Source.

You can also schedule aggregation of content if needed.

Step 5:

Click the Save and Close button at the bottom when done.

Updated on: 03/02/2023

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