Articles on: Engage

How to preview Email Campaign Display Images

There are two ways you can preview the image generated by an Email Campaign Display:
The Preview pane in the visual editor whilst editing a Display – this is particularly useful for seeing changes as you edit the Display and without requiring you to save the changes.
Preview the Display Image in a browser window – shows the actual image generated by the Display and make take a few minutes to update depending on how the Display is configured to periodically refresh images.

Previewing whilst editing an Email Campaign Display

Step 1: Navigate to Email Campaigns

From the left menu, browse to Engage > Email Campaigns.

Step 2: Select the Display you wish to edit

On the Email Campaign Displays page, click on the Edit button under the Actions column for Display you wish to edit.

Step 3: Edit and preview your changes

Email Campaign Display - Visual Editor

On the ‘Edit Display’ page
Click on any of the tabs to edit settings as required.
The preview pane will automatically update to reflect your changes.
Click the Save Changes button (bottom right) to save your changes when done.
If your Display is configured to manually update the generated image, click the Regenerate Image button to refresh the image after saving your changes.

Previewing the generated image in a browser

Step 1: Navigate to Email Campaigns

From the left menu, browse to Engage > Email Campaigns.

Step 2: Select the Display you wish to preview

On the Email Campaign Displays page, click on the View button under the Actions column for Display you wish to preview. The preview will open in new browser tab.

It can take up to five minutes for the latest generated image to show. If you see an older image, retry (or refresh the browser tab) after a few minutes.

Updated on: 05/04/2023

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