Anatomy of Event Displays
Structure of Event Displays

Referring to the image above, key regions of Event Displays are outlined below.
Main Display
This represents the entire view port of Event Displays, as it appears on digital screens.
Content Region
Area where actual content, or Tiles are shown. The layout of Tiles in this region depends on the selected Theme for the Display. See Event Display Styles for further details on customising the styling of this region.
Inline Tile (2a)
A single Tile (item of content). See Inline Tiles in Event Displays for details on customisation and styling options.
Header & Footer – optional headers and footers that can be independently configured to show a headline, logo, and subtext. See Customising Headers and Footers in Event Displays for further details.
Expanded Tiles

An Expanded Tile refers to the enlarging and highlighting of a single Inline Tile. Since Event Displays are non-interactive (intended to be shown on large digital displays), specific Inline Tiles can be configured to automatically expand at predefined intervals. See Expanded Tiles in Event Displays for further details on layout and styling options.

Adverts are branded or sponsored content and are a great way to push promotional, messaging and advertising content to your audiences. Adverts can be either images or videos and can be configured to periodically show across the entire screen in Widget Displays. See Adverts in Widget Display for further details on adding and customising Adverts in Event Display.
Visual Editor

When editing an Event Display, Buzzspark's visual editor provides a true WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) interface for non-technical users to easily customise and preview their changes before saving. We also provide developer access to code templates.
Referring to the image above, key regions of visual editor User Interface are outlined below.
Preview Pane – shows a preview of the Display as you customise settings.
Preview Pane Toolbar – quick access buttons so you can preview the Display on mobiles, tablets, and desktops.
Right Sidebar – contains all the customisable settings for the Display, grouped into tabs. See Customising Event Displays for further details on all tabs and available options.
Notification Area – important messages are shown here.
Save Changes – this button automatically turns green when you have any unsaved changes.
Close – button to exist the visual editor when you are done.
Reset defaults – a quick way to reset all settings to default if you wish to start-over.
Updated on: 04/02/2023
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