Articles on: Curate

Blocking or Blacklisting content from specific content creators

At times you may find that content from a particular creator is not relevant to your campaign's needs. When this happens, you may wish to Blacklist or Block their account. There are two ways to achieve this.

Blacklist a user at an individual Source level

When a user is Blacklisted in a Source, that Source will not aggregate any future content posted by the user. Any previously aggregated content by the user is not affected.

To Blacklist a user in a specific Source:

Navigate to Content > Sources
Edit the Source in which you wish to exclude content from a specific user
Click on the Advanced tab and include the User’s username in the Filter by users > Blacklist option.
Click Save and Close

Block a user at the Account level

When a user is Blocked at the Buzzspark Account level, any future content posted by the user is still aggregated via Sources but automatically set to the Disabled status. This overrides any Whitelist or Auto Moderation settings of a Source. Any previously aggregated content by the user is not affected.

To Block a user:

Navigate to Curate > Moderate
Locate an item posted by the user you wish to Block. See Refining and Searching for Content in Moderation View for details on how to search for specific items of content.
Select the Block User option from the Actions button for that post. See also Managing Blocked Users for details on how to unblock a user.

Updated on: 04/02/2023

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