Articles on: Curate

Bulk Actions in Moderation View

What are Bulk Actions in Moderation?

Bulk Actions in Moderation allows you to perform actions on multiple Tiles (pieces of Content) in one go. For example, you may wish to Publish or add Tags to multiple Tiles in one go.

How to use Bulk Actions in Moderation?

Step 1: Navigate to the Moderation View

From the left menu, browse to Curate > Moderate.

Step 2: Select Tiles

Select the Tiles on which you wish to perform a Bulk Action by selecting the corresponding checkbox for each Tile.

In Tile View (left image), the checkbox for selecting the Tile is located in the upper left corner as shown above. In Grid View, the checkbox for selecting the Tile is in the left column as shown above.
In Grid View (right image), you can also select all Tiles shown in the Grid View by selecting the Preview checkbox in the grid header.

Step 3: Select the Bulk Action to perform

In the Moderation toolbar at the top, select the Bulk Action you wish to perform:
PublishPublish all selected Tiles.
QueueQueue all selected Tiles.
DisableDisable all selected Tiles.
Tags – Edit the Content Tags and Products for all selected Tiles
DeleteDelete all selected Tiles.
Delete AllDelete All Tiles (not just the Tiles currently visible in the Moderation View) that match the current Refine criteria in the Moderation toolbar.
Unselect All – Deselect or clear any selected Tiles

Updated on: 04/02/2023

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