Articles on: Curate

How to Add and Edit Content Tags

Tags are used to classify content and provide flexibility and control of content at scale. There are two types of Tags in Buzzspark - Content Tags and Product Tags. For Product Tags, see Managing Products in Buzzspark.

For speed and convenience, Buzzspark allows Content Tags to be added in multiple places within the user interface:
Sources – when adding or editing a Source, click on the Add New Tag button under the General tab.
Custom Tiles - when adding or editing a Custom Tile, click on the Add New Tag button under the Tags.
Moderation– in the Moderation view, click on the Edit Tags & Products button for a Tile and then click on the Add New Tag button.
Tags page – navigate to Curate > Tags and click on the +Tag button to add a new Tag, or click on the Edit button of a specific Tag to edit it.

Regardless to the method used, the process of adding or editing Content Tags is the same.

In the Add New Tag or Edit Tag modal, enter the following:

Tag Name - Enter a short name to help you identify this Tag.
Custom URL - This field is generally left bank unless you wish to override the default behaviour for a specific Tag. Display templates can be customised to show Tags associated with each Tile. When a user clicks on a Tag, the default behaviour is to filter the Display to show only Tiles with the selected Tag. You can override the default behaviour to open a custom URL in a new window by specifying that URL here.
Visibility - A tag can either be Public (can be visible in Displays) or Private (excluded in Displays and treated as an internal only Tag).
Slug A developer option - leave blank to use the system default, unless your custom code in Display templates requires otherwise. A slug is a unique identifier for this tag, used to assign CSS classes in embedded Display Widgets.
Click Save to add the new Tag or save your changes.

Updated on: 04/02/2023

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