Articles on: Curate

Understanding Tile Statuses - Published, Queued and Disabled

Every piece of content (post) in Buzzspark has a status – Publish, Queued or Disable, and determines whether the content is allowed to appear in Displays.

Publish – denotes the item of content has been approved for appearing in Displays
Queued – denotes the item is awaiting moderation
Disable – denotes the item has been rejected for appearing in Displays

What are default status settings for content?

When a single item of content is manually added or when content is aggregated via a Source, the default setting for the content’s status is Queued, however this can be overridden at the point of ingesting a single item of content or when creating a Source with Auto-Moderation enabled.

When is content Disabled?

Content can be disabled in one of two ways:

Manually by a moderator, or
Automatically by the system

Individual items of content will be automatically disabled when any of the following events occur:

The item is deleted on the originating Network. The Deleted on Network flag will appear on the content in Moderation View. It is also possible to view all such content in Moderation view by refining for the Auto Disabled Status.

The item was aggregated via a Source with Banned Word Filter enabled and contains NSFW content. The Auto: Banned Word(s) flag will appear on the content in Moderation View. It is also possible to view all such content in Moderation view by refining for the Auto Disabled or the Text Filter Statuses.

When the item was aggregated, it’s creator was on the Blocked Users list. The User Blocked or Auto: User Blocked flags will appear on the content in Moderation View. It is also possible to view all such content in Moderation view by refining for the Auto Disabled or the User Blocked Statuses.

Auto Deletion of Disabled content

Disabled content in Buzzspark is by default automatically deleted after 30 days. This helps keep your aggregated content relevant and reduces manual housekeeping.

You can disable automatic deletion of disabled content if needed.

Archived Tiles are not automatically deleted, regardless of whether they are Disabled or not.

Updated on: 04/02/2023

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