Articles on: Engage

Creating, Editing, and Customising Email Campaign Displays

This article covers:
How to create an Email Campaign Display
How to edit an existing Email Campaign Display
How to customise an Email Campaign Display

How to create an Email Campaign Display

From the left menu, browse to Engage > Email Campaigns.
On the Email Campaign Displays page, click the +Display button to create a new Display.
In the Create New Email Campaign Display Modal, enter the following:
Display Name – a short name to help you identify the Display.
Filter – select the Filter you wish to use for the Display.
Click Next.
In the Display Theme tab of the modal:
Email Campaign Themes – select a Theme for the Display. You can preview each theme by selecting its checkbox.
Click Finish. This will lead you to the Edit Display page where you can customise the Display – see Customising Email Campaign Displays.
Once you have finished customising the Display, click on the bottom right Save Changes button to save your new Display.

How to edit an existing Email Campaign Display

From the left menu, browse to Engage > Email Campaigns.
On the Email Campaign Displays page, locate the Display you wish to edit and click its corresponding Edit button under the Actions column.
On the Edit Display page:
Customise the Display by accessing the options under the tabs in right sidebar - see Customising Email Campaign Displays.
Click the Save Changes button in the bottom right to save your changes when done.
If you’ve set your Display to Regenerate Images manually, click the Regenerate Image button in the bottom right to generate a new image for embedding.
If you wish to reset all settings for the Display to their defaults, click on the Reset defaults link - any changes you have made will be lost.
Finally, click the Close button once you’re done editing.

Customising Email Campaign Displays

All options are grouped into tabs in the right sidebar when editing an Email Campaign Display. Refer to the articles below for details of available options under each of the tabs.

Settings – edit the Filter, Theme, Colour scheme, and Generated Image settings.
Styles – edit fonts, background, and spacing of Tiles.
Tile Layout – edit layout and styles of individual Tiles.
Custom Code – edit HTML and CSS code templates.

Updated on: 05/04/2023

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