Articles on: Content

Anatomy of Forms

Forms let you collect comments, photos, videos, and custom data directly from your audiences and can be embedded on any webpage or in mobile apps. You can customise Forms to match your brand and desired user experience, including custom data you wish to collect.

Structure of Forms

Referring to the image above, key regions of a Form are outlined below.
Published Form – the dotted area represents the entire published Form, as it appears on a webpage where it is embedded.
Form Button – a configurable button that launches the upload Form.
Title – an optional title. See Customising Form Styles for further details on customising the Form Button and Title.
Widget Display – an option Widget Display that can be included within a published Form. See Customising Form Settings for further details on including and configuring the options Widget Display.
Upload Form – the upload Form that is launched in a pop-up modal when visitors click the Form Button. See below.

Upload Form

When visitors click the Form Button, the Upload Form is launched in a pop-up modal, all possible stages of which are shown below. The actual stages will vary depending on the Form settings and the visitor’s device.

You can choose to add your logo to the header of the Upload Form. See Customising Form Settings for further details on how to do this.
Visitors can upload content from their devices or share content direct from their Facebook or Instagram accounts by clicking on the corresponding tabs. See Customising Form Fields for further details on how to enable or disable these options.
Content selected for sharing by visitors is clearly visible and can be easily previewed or removed.
Visitors can also add captions to photos and videos. Captions are automatically pre-populated when content is shared via Facebook or Instagram. When Form settings prohibit files to be upload, visitors are presented with a single comments field (screen layouts will be different to those shown above). See Customising Form Fields for further details.
Visitors are asked to share their details prior to submitting the Form. See Customising Form Fields for further details on customising that data you wish to collect.
Once submissions are complete, visitors are presented with a thank you message. See Customising Form Fields and Customising Form Messages for further details on customising messages and including custom buttons on this screen.

Updated on: 03/02/2023

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