Articles on: Engage

Customising Headers and Footers in Event Displays

This article covers the Header and Footer tabs in Event Displays, which allows you to add and customise a header and/or footer with your brand logo and text such as your campaign hashtag. You can also view all available custom options along with the structure and terminology used in Event Displays.

What are Headers and Footers in Event Displays

Headers and Footers appear at the top and bottom of Event Displays, allowing you to add your branding, information relevant to the campaign such as your hashtags.

The structure of headers and footers in Event Displays is depicted below – each can be independently customised and turned on/off for each Event Display.

Aside from Header and Footers appearing in different regions of the Event Display, the process of adding and customising both is the same and described below.

From the left menu, browse to Engage > Event Displays.
Click on the Edit button under the Actions column for the Event Display you wish to customise.
On the Edit Display page, click on the Header or Footer tab in the right sidebar to edit any of the options described below.

Show Header / Show Footer – toggle this switch to enable/disable the header or footer.

Header Height / Footer Height – allows you to control the height of the header or footer, in pixels or % of screen height.

Background Colour – lets you customise the background colour of the header or footer.

Background Image – lets you upload a background image and overrides the Background Colour settings. For the best results, we recommend images with a file size of 2MB or less, and the dimensions of the image should fit both the height of the header/footer and the width of the screen on which you intend to show this Event Display. E.g. 1920px X 100px.

Padding– lets you configure the internal spacing around the edges of the header/footer.

Header Title / Footer Title – lets you add a text headline or logo in the Header/Footer.
Use Logo/Text – choose between using a headline text or logo image.

Use Logo
Logo Image – upload the image you wish to use in place of the Header/Footer title.
Max Logo Height – lets you control the size of the uploaded logo image.
Alignment – choose your preferred alignment of the logo within the Header/Footer.

Use Text
Title - enter the text you wish to use as the Header/Footer title.
Font Size – lets you customise the font-size of the headline text.
Colour – lets you customise the colour of the headline text.
Alignment – choose your preferred alignment for the headline text within the Header/Footer.

Header Subtext / Footer Subtext - lets you add short subtext relevant to the Display, such as your campaign hashtag.
Subtext – enter the text you wish to show
Alignment – choose the position of the subtext within the Header/Footer.
Font Size – lets you customise the font-size of the Subtext.
Colour – lets you customise the colour of the headline text.

Click on the bottom right Save Changes button to save your changes when done.

Updated on: 04/02/2023

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