Articles on: Engage

Customising Inline Tiles in Widget Displays

This article covers the Inline Tile tab in Widget Displays, which allows you to customise the layout, styles, and special effects for Inline Tiles. You can also view all available custom options along with the structure and terminology used in Widget Displays.

What are Inline Tiles in Widget Displays?

In Widget Displays, an Inline Tile refers to a single Tile (item of content) Tile shown in the Display. Inline Tiles are applicable for all Themes in Widget Displays, the layout and styling of which can be easily customised.

Customising Widget Displays – Inline Tile Tab

From the left menu, browse to Engage > Widget Displays.
Click on the Edit button under the Actions column for the Widget Display you wish to customise.
On the Edit Display page, click on the Inline Tile tab in the right sidebar to edit any of the options described below.

Feature Tiles - you to highlight Tiles with specific Tags, making them appear larger in size. Note that this may result in empty spaces within the Display. This field is not applicable for Slider themes.

Item Visibility – lets you select individual items to show in Inline Tiles. The available options depend on the selected Theme of your Widget Display. Enabling each item results in a corresponding configuration button appearing in the Inline Tiles tab as outlined below.

Tile Border & Border Styles – lets you add and customise borders around each Inline Tile.

Media– lets you show or hide images and videos on Inline Tiles. This option is only available in Cards, Cards Slider, Classic and Classic Slider themes. Note that disabling Media in Inline Tiles also disables Product Hotspots.

Profile Image & Profile Image Style – lets you show/hide and customise the size and borders of Profile Image shown in Inline Tiles.

Names and Styles -Display Name & Display Name Style lets you show/hide and customise the font size and colour of Display Names shown in Inline Tiles. Screen Name & Screen Name Style lets you show/hide and customise the font size and colour of Screen Names in Inline Tiles.

Post Details - Post Body & Post Body Style lets you show/hide the text of a post, and customise the font size, and text and link colours. You can also opt to truncate text to a specific number of characters. Post Time & Post Time Style lets you show/hide and customise the font size and colour of Post Times in Inline Tiles. Post Title & Post Title Style lets you show/hide the title of a post, and customise the font size, and colour.

Header – lets you select individual items to show overlaid at the top the Tile’s image or video. This option is only applicable for Grid, Grid Slider, Mosaic and Patchwork themes.
You can specify the alignment and choose to show or hide the following items either in normal or hover (mouseover) states: Profile Image, Social Icon, Display Name, Screen Name, and Post Time.

Content – lets you select individual items to show overlaid in the middle of the Tile’s image or video. This option is only applicable for Grid, Grid Slider, Mosaic and Patchwork themes. You can specify the alignment and choose to show or hide the following items either in normal or hover (mouseover) states: Post Title, Post Body.

Footer Details – lets you select individual items to show overlaid at the bottom of the Tile’s image or video. This option is only applicable for Grid, Grid Slider, Mosaic and Patchwork themes. You can specify the alignment and choose to show or hide the following items either in normal or hover (mouseover) states: Profile Image, Social Icon, Display Name, Screen Name, and Post Time. Footer & Footer Style lets you show/hide customise the background colour of the Footer region of Inline Tiles. This option is only available for Cards, Cards Slider, Classic and Classic Slider themes.

Social Icon & Social Icon Style – lets you show/hide and customise the size of social icon of the Tile’s originating network.

Ribbons & Ribbon Style – lets you add configurable Ribbons to Inline Tiles with specific Tags. For example, you can add ribbons such as Featured, Official, Trending, or anything that is relevant to your content.

Product Hotspots – lets you show/hide and customise the icon, size, and colour for Hotspots as well as specific items that you’d like to show within Hotspots:
Product Image – show/hide image of product in Hotspots.
Product Name – show/hide product name Hotspots.
Product Price – show/hide product price in Hotspots.
Product Description – show/hide product description in Hotspots.
Max Desc. Length – options for auto-truncating the product description.
Product Button- show/hide button in Hotspots that users can click to purchase or learn more.

Product CTAs – options for customising Product CTAs in Inline Tiles:
Product Image – show/hide image of product.
Product Name – show/hide name of product.
Product Price – show/hide price of product.
Product Description – show/hide product description.
Max Desc. Length – options for auto-truncating the product description.
Product Button – show/hide a customisable button in Expanded Tiles.
Product Button Style - options for customising the text, font size and colours of the Product Button. This option is not available in Slider Themes.

Special FX – lets you control animation and appearance of videos in Inline Tiles.
Flip Tiles – enabling this option randomly flips Inline Tiles.
Autoplay Video – enable or disable automatic playback of videos in Tiles. Playback is looped and muted. This feature is not supported by YouTube Tiles.
Random Play – enable to randomly autoplay videos in Tiles – one after the other. Leave disabled to automatically play all.
Play Duration – specify for how long each video should play.
Delay - specify the delay before playing the next video.

Click on the bottom right Save Changes button to save your changes when done.

Updated on: 04/02/2023

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