Articles on: Content

How to aggregate a single post from social networks

Buzzspark supports aggregating content from social networks via:
Sources– aggregates multiple posts over time matching a set criterion, for example, all posts containing a specific hashtag
Single Item – aggregates a single post such as a specific post, tweet, or video

Learn how to create Sources for supported Networks.

How to aggregate specific tweets, posts or videos from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Vimeo

This is particularly useful if you want to aggregate specific posts without creating a Source, or posts that were created prior to creating a Source.

Step 1: Navigate to Connections

From the left menu, browse to Content > Sources

Step 2: Import the post

Click on the + Single Item button on the top right. This launches the Import Single Item modal as shown below:

Step 3: Enter the details of the post you wish to import

Network – from the drop-down field, select the Network of the post you wish to import, for example Twitter.
Post URL – enter the full URL of the post you wish to import, for example:

Due to Facebook API restrictions, you can only import posts from Pages managed by one of your connected Facebook accounts.

Moderation – select the moderation status of the imported post to either Queued, Published or Disabled. As you will most likely know the item you are importing, you can save time from having to moderate it later by selecting the Publish button, so the tweet is automatically set to Published once it is imported.
Tags – Click in the Tags field to assign specific Tags to the post once it’s imported. You can also click the Add New Tag button to create a new Tag and assign it to the post being imported.

Finally, click on the Import button in the bottom right.

Updated on: 03/02/2023

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