Articles on: Content

What is a Source?

Sources are used to aggregate content from social networks and platforms that is relevant to your brand or campaigns. For example, posts from Twitter or Instagram containing your brand @mentions or campaign hashtags, or posts from your brand’s Facebook page.

You can add multiple Sources in your account and each Source is specific to the Network and the Type of feed you wish to ingest. For example, if you wish to aggregate all tweets containing the hashtag “#MyCampaign” and all tweets posted by the user @MyBrand on Twitter, you will need to create two Sources as follows:

Source 1
Network: Twitter
Type: Hashtag
Hashtag: MyCampaign

Source 2
Network: Twitter
Type: User
Username: MyBrand

In addition to the Network and Type of content you wish to aggregate, Sources include several settings that help you refine and ingest only relevant content.

A simple example of this may be that you only want to ingest tweets that include or exclude specific keywords or phrases. Other use cases may require that you exclude Replies, or filter tweets based on follower counts, verified status, blacklisted users, or NSFW (not suitable for work) content.

To aggregate content from a social network, you first need to connect the social network to your Buzzspark account. Refer to the following articles for creating a Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and Vimeo Source.

Updated on: 03/02/2023

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