Articles on: Curate

Importing & Exporting Tags

Tags are used to classify content and provide flexibility and control of content at scale. There are two types of Tags in Buzzspark - Content Tags and Product Tags. For Product Tags, see Importing and Exporting Products in Buzzspark.

This article covers:
Exporting Content Tags in Buzzspark
Importing Content Tags in Buzzspark
Format and structure of CSV files

Exporting Content Tags in Buzzspark

Existing Tags in your Buzzspark account can be easily exported as a CSV file.

Step 1: Navigate to the Tags page

From the left menu, browse to Curate > Tags.

Step 2: Select Export

On the Tags page, click the Export button on the top toolbar.

Step 3: Save the exported CSV file.

Importing Content Tags in Buzzspark

Step 1: Navigate to the Tags page

From the left menu, browse to Curate > Tags.

Step 2: Select Import

On the Tags page, click the Import button on the top toolbar.

Step 3: Upload your file

In the Import Tags modal:
Click the Browse button to select the CSV file of Tags you wish to import. New Tags defined in the uploaded CSV file will be added, and existing Tags referenced in the file will be updated. You can download an example CSV file, however if you have existing Tags, we recommend exporting first, editing the exported file as needed and importing the edited file. See below for details on the structure and format of the CSV file.

Click on the ‘Import’ button to begin the import process.

Step 4: Confirmation

When the import process is complete, the modal will update to show:
The total number of Tags created, updated and any rows in the CSV file skipped due errors.
Click on the Import Another? button to import another CSV file or the Close button to dismiss the modal.

Format and structure of CSV files

CSV (comma-separated values) files uploaded to Buzzspark for importing Tags must meet the following requirements.

The file should be UTF-8 encoded, fields must be enclosed in quotation marks, and contain the following columns:
Tag ID – denotes the numerical system ID of a Tag. If this field contains a valid system ID of an existing Tag, the Tag will be updated with data in the uploaded file. If this field is empty (blank), a new Tag will be created. All other cases will be skipped as errors.

Tag Name – denotes the name of Tag. Each Tag must have a unique name. Attempting to create new Tag using a Tag Name that already exists, will result in the entry being skipped.

Custom URL – denotes the Custom URL of the Tag. Display templates can be customised to show Tags associated with each Tile. By specifying a Custom URL for a Tag, you can override the default behaviour to open the Custom URL in a new window instead of filtering the Display to show all Tiles associated with that Tag.

Visibility – denotes whether the Tag is shown in Displays. “Public” implies the Tag can be shown in Displays. “Private” implies the Tag is not shown in Displays and treated as an internal only Tag.

Slug – denotes a unique identifier for this Tag used in CSS classes in embedded widgets. Leave blank to use the system default or enter a preferred unique name without any spaces.

Updated on: 04/02/2023

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