Articles on: Engage

Managing Event Displays

Step 1: Navigate to the Event Displays page

From the left menu, browse to Engage > Event Displays.

Step 2: Manage the list of Event Displays as required

On the Events Displays page, you can perform the following actions:
+Display- add a new Display. See Creating, Editing and Customising Event Displays.
Use the search tool to quickly find a specific Event Display.
Use the Action buttons for a specific Event Display to:
Edit – edit the existing Event Display. See Creating, Editing and Customising Event Displays.
Delete – permanently delete the Event Display. A confirmation is required before a Display is deleted.
View – preview the Event Display in your browser. See Previewing Event Displays
Publish – get the web page URL for the Event Display. See Publishing and Securing Event Displays.
Copy – duplicate or create a copy of the Event Display. See Cloning Event Displays

You can perform Bulk Actions on multiple Event Displays in one go by selecting the corresponding checkboxes (or clicking the select all checkbox in the Bulk Actions Toolbar at the top) and then clicking on one of the following buttons in the Bulk Actions Toolbar to:
Enable – enable or turn-on the Displays.
Disable – disable or turn-off the Displays, so they do not show any content.
Delete – permanently delete the selected Displays.

Updated on: 04/02/2023

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