How to moderate (Publish and Unpublish) content
Publishing or approving content is one of the most common tasks during moderation.
By default, all aggregated content in Buzzspark is set to the [Queued](/en/article/understanding-tile-statuses-published-queued-and-disabled-zkzqbx/) state, which requires content to be manually approved (or Published) before it can appear in Display. The only exception to this being content aggregated via any Sources that have Auto-Moderation enabled.
Buzzspark provides a full-featured, responsive interface that supports moderating content:
by single moderators or large moderation teams
on mobile devices, laptop, or desktop computers
in real-time (Live mode)
From the left menu, browse to Curate > Moderate.
Depending on the content you wish to moderate, your requirements and preferences, you may want to:
Filter the content that is shown by manually refining content.
Loading a Saved View or using a Display Filter.
Turn on Live Moderation if you are moderating fast-flowing live content.
Switch between Grid or Tile views.

The Publish, Queue and Disable buttons for a Tile appear at different positions, depending on whether you are viewing content in Tile or Grid views. On the Tile (item of content) you wish to moderate:
Click on the Publish button to set the status of the Tile to Published. Published Tiles are shown with a green border.
Click on the Queued button to set the status of the Tile to Queued. Queued Tiles are shown with an amber border.
Click on the Disabled button to set the status of the Tile to Disabled. Disabled Tiles are shown with a red border.
You can also select multiple Tiles and set their status to either Published, Queued or Disabled in one go. See Bulk Actions in Moderation for further details.
By default, all aggregated content in Buzzspark is set to the [Queued](/en/article/understanding-tile-statuses-published-queued-and-disabled-zkzqbx/) state, which requires content to be manually approved (or Published) before it can appear in Display. The only exception to this being content aggregated via any Sources that have Auto-Moderation enabled.
Buzzspark provides a full-featured, responsive interface that supports moderating content:
by single moderators or large moderation teams
on mobile devices, laptop, or desktop computers
in real-time (Live mode)
How to Publish, Queue or Disable content
Step 1: Navigate to the Moderation View
From the left menu, browse to Curate > Moderate.
Step 2: Filter content and adjust the Moderation View if required
Depending on the content you wish to moderate, your requirements and preferences, you may want to:
Filter the content that is shown by manually refining content.
Loading a Saved View or using a Display Filter.
Turn on Live Moderation if you are moderating fast-flowing live content.
Switch between Grid or Tile views.
Step 3: Moderate content

The Publish, Queue and Disable buttons for a Tile appear at different positions, depending on whether you are viewing content in Tile or Grid views. On the Tile (item of content) you wish to moderate:
Click on the Publish button to set the status of the Tile to Published. Published Tiles are shown with a green border.
Click on the Queued button to set the status of the Tile to Queued. Queued Tiles are shown with an amber border.
Click on the Disabled button to set the status of the Tile to Disabled. Disabled Tiles are shown with a red border.
You can also select multiple Tiles and set their status to either Published, Queued or Disabled in one go. See Bulk Actions in Moderation for further details.
Updated on: 04/02/2023
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