Articles on: Engage

Customising Widget Display Settings

This article covers the Settings tab in Widget Displays, which allows you to change the Filter, Theme, Colour Scheme and Tile characteristics. You can also view all available custom options along with the structure and terminology used in Widget Displays.

Customising Widget Displays – Settings Tab

From the left menu, browse to Engage > Widget Displays.
Click on the Edit button under the Actions column for Widget Display you wish to customise.
On the Edit Display page, click on the Settings tab in the right sidebar to edit any of the options described below.

Enable Display – enables or disables the Display. If a Display that is currently being shown on a website or mobile app is disabled, it will default to a blank screen.

Display Name - enter a short name to help you identify this Display.

Filter – select the Filter (content feed) you wish to show on this Display.

Theme – Click on the Change Theme button to change the Theme for this Display.

Colour Scheme – select from Light or Dark. Each Widget Theme comes in light and dark colour schemes. Once you customise any of the colour settings, this field updates to Custom to reflect your custom colour scheme.

Min Tile Width – lets you specify the minimum width of Tiles. This may be automatically overridden for devices with smaller screens. This field is only applicable to Cards, Classic and Mosaic Themes.

Min Tile Height – lets you specify the minimum height of Tiles. This may be automatically overridden for devices with smaller screens. This field is only applicable to Cards Slider, Classic Slider and Patchwork Themes.

Min Tile Size – let you specify the minimum size (height & width) of Tiles. This may be automatically overridden for devices with smaller screens. This field is only applicable to the Grid Theme.

Tiles to Load – determines how many pages worth of Tiles to load. The actual number of Tiles loaded is based on the screen size of user's device viewing the Widget Display. This field is only applicable to Cards, Classic and Mosaic Themes.

Tiles Aspect Ratio – you specify the aspect ratio of Tiles (width/height) – for example 1/1 for square or 4/3 for rectangular Tiles. This field is only applicable to the Grid Sider Theme.

Rows to Load – lets you specify how many rows of Tiles to show in the Display, however number of Tiles loaded is also based on the user’s screen size. This field is only applicable to Grid and Patchwork Themes.

Auto tile width – you can enable this option to automatically adjust the width of Tiles with images to show the entire image with no clipping. This field is only applicable to Cards, Classic and Grid Slider theme.

Media Size – lets you specify the percentage of Tile height used for images or videos. This field is only applicable to the Classic Slider Theme.

Auto Update – when enabled, the Display will periodically check for and fetch any newly published Tiles.
Update Frequency – determines how often the Display checks for new Tiles.

Click Thru Action – you can choose what to show when a user clicks on an Inline Tile in the Display:
Expanded Tile – shows the larger Expanded version of the corresponding Inline Tile.
Original on Social Network – opens the original post of the Tile on the originating Network in a new browser.
Custom URL – opens the Click Thru URL in a new browser tab/window.
None – disables any click-thru actions when users click on Inline Tiles.

Click on the bottom right Save Changes button to save your changes when done.

Updated on: 04/02/2023

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