Articles on: Engage

Customising Inline Tiles in Event Displays

This article covers the Inline Tile tab in Event Displays, which allows you to customise the layout, styles, and special effects for Inline Tiles on the Flow, Quadrant, Spiral and Stream themes. For Billboard and Slide Show themes, see Customising Tile Layout in Event Displays. You can also view all available custom options in Event Displays.

What are Inline Tiles in Event Displays?

In Event Displays, an Inline Tile refers to a single Tile shown on the screen when using the Flow, Quadrant, Spiral or Stream themes.

Inline Tiles are only applicable for the Flow, Quadrant, Spiral and Stream themes – the Billboard and Slide Show themes only show a single Tile at a time. The layout and styling of Inline Tiles in Event Display can be easily customised.

Customising Event Displays – Inline Tile Tab

From the left menu, browse to Engage > Event Displays.
Click on the Edit button under the Actions column for the Event Display you wish to customise.
On the Edit Display page, click on the Inline Tile tab in the right sidebar to edit any of the options described below.

Background Colour – sets the background colour of the Inline Tile.

Tile Layout – choose between the Image Only or Side-by-Side layout for Inline Tiles. This option only applies to Flow and Stream themes.

Border Styles – click on the Border Styles button to define the size and colour of borders for Inline Tiles.

Image Overlay Items – lets you select individual items to show overlaid at the top or bottom of the Tile’s image. This option is only applicable for Flow and Stream themes using the Image Only layout. You can specify the alignment and choose to show or hide the Profile Image, Social Icon, Display Name, Screen Name, and Post Time.

Image Overlay Styles – here you can customise font, size and colour options for items enabled in the Image Overlay Item setting. This option is only applicable for Flow and Stream themes using the Image Only layout.

Text Items – lets you select individual items to show in the Header, Content, and Footer regions of the text area of the Tile.
In the Header and Footer regions, you can specify the alignment and choose to show or hide the Profile Image, Social Icon, Display Name, Screen Name, and Post Time.
In the Content region, you can choose to show or hide the Post Title and Post Body.
Note: Post Tile is not supported by most social networks and is hidden by default.

Text Item Styles– here you can customise font, size and colour options for items enabled in the Text Items setting. Note that you can also choose to truncate the length of text in posts using the MAX. Post Body Length setting, which prevents posts with long text or multiple line breaks from impacting the appearance of your Display.

Special FX – lets you control how videos in Inline Tiles appear.
Autoplay Video – enable or disable automatic playback of videos in Tiles. Playback is looped and muted. This feature is not supported by YouTube Tiles.
Random Play – enable to randomly autoplay videos in Tiles – one after another. Leave disabled to automatically play all.
Play Duration – specify for how long each video should play.
Delay– specify the delay before playing the next video.

Click on the bottom right Save Changes button to save your changes when done.

Updated on: 04/02/2023

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