Articles on: Curate

Creating, Sharing and Managing Saved Views

What are Saved Views?

Once you have refined the content and adjusted the interface settings to your needs, you can save the settings using the Saved View drop downs so the exact settings can be quickly reloaded in the future. You can also share saved views with your team members which helps save time and is particularly useful when individual team members are managing content for specific campaigns or purposes.

When you create a Saved View, all the current settings of the Moderation View are saved, including Refine options, Search terms, Tile layout and the number of items to show per page.

The following Views are included by default in all Buzzspark accounts:
All Content – the default view of Moderation, allows all content
Published – shows only Published content
Queued – shows only Queued content
Scheduled – show content that has a Publishing schedule
Disabled – shows all content in the Disabled state
Pinned – shows all content that has been Pinned
Auto Disabled – shows all content that has been Auto Disabled by the system

This article covers:
How to create a new Saved View
Loading an existing Saved View
Editing existing Saved Views
Duplicating existing Saved Views
Renaming or Deleting existing Saved Views

How to create a new Saved View

Step 1: Navigate to the Moderation View

From the left menu, browse to Curate > Moderate.

Step 2: Adjust the Moderation View as required

Narrow down the segment of content you wish to view and adjust the layout as required using the following features in the Moderation Toolbar:
Refine – refines content based on Network, Tags, Media Type, Products, Status and more. See Refining Content in Moderation View for further details.
Search – filters content that contains the specified search terms within a Tile’s text, or the creator’s display or screen names.
Live Mode – toggles between Live and Manual Mode. See Live Moderation for further details.
Grid View or Tile View – select how Tiles are displayed in the Content section of the interface. See Tile and Grid Views in Moderation for further details.
Select the number of Tiles that are shown in the Content section via the Show drop down (not applicable in Live Mode).

Step 3: Save the View

Once you have refined the content and adjusted the interface settings to your needs:
Click on the green down arrow of the Saved Views button.
Select the Save As entry from the drop-down list.

Step 4: Name the View and specify if it should be accessible for all Moderators

In the Save View As modal:
View Name – enter a unique short name to help you and your colleagues identify this view.
Allow all Moderators to access this View – enable this toggle switch if you wish to share the view with team members.
Click Save to save the view.

Loading existing Saved Views

Step 1: Navigate to the Moderation View

From the left menu, browse to Curate > Moderate.

Step 2: Select the Saved View you wish to load

In the Moderation Toolbar
Click on the Saved Views dropdown
You can type in the search field to narrow down the list
Select the desired View from the list.

Editing existing Saved Views

Step 1: Navigate to the Moderation View

From the left menu, browse to Curate > Moderate.

Step 2: Select the Saved View you wish to edit

In the Moderation Toolbar:
Click on the Saved Views dropdown
Select the desired View from the list - you can type in the search field to narrow down the list

Step 3: Adjust the Moderation View as required

Change the View settings as required by editing settings for any of the following features in the Moderation Toolbar:
Live Mode
Grid View or Tile View
The number of Tiles that are shown in the Content section via the Show drop-down

Step 4: Save the View

Click on the green down arrow of the Saved Views button.
Select the Save entry from the drop-down list.
In the Save View As modal, edit the view name and access for all Moderators if required and click Save to save the view.

Duplicating existing Saved Views

Step 1: Navigate to the Moderation View

From the left menu, browse to Curate > Moderate.

Step 2: Select the Saved View you wish to duplicate

In the Moderation Toolbar:
Click on the Saved Views dropdown
Select the desired View from the list - you can type in the search field to narrow down the list

Step 3: Save the View

Click on the green down arrow of the Saved Views button.
Select the Save As entry from the drop-down list.

Step 4: Name the new View and specify if it should be accessible for all Moderators

In the Save View As modal:
View Name – enter a unique short name to help you and your colleagues identify this view.
Allow all Moderators to access this View’ – enable this toggle switch if you wish to share the view with team members.
Click Save to save the view.

Renaming or Deleting existing Saved Views

Step 1: Navigate to the Moderation View

From the left menu, browse to Curate > Moderate.

Step 2: Select to Manage Views

Click on the green down arrow of the Saved Views button.
Select the Manage Views entry from the drop-down list.

Step 3: Search for, Rename or Delete Views

In the Manage Views modal:
You can search for existing views by typing tin the search field
Click on the Edit icon for an Existing View to rename it
Click on the Delete icon for an existing View to Delete it and click on the Close button to exit the Manage Views modal when done.

Updated on: 04/02/2023

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