Articles on: Engage

Managing Adverts in Buzzspark

Adverts are branded or sponsored content that is periodically pushed to audiences in Widget and Event Displays. With Adverts, you can capture your customers when they’re most engaged to promote relevant key messages, promotional offers, or third-party sponsored/advertising content. Learn more about Adverts.

Managing Adverts in Buzzspark

Step 1: Navigate to the Adverts page

From the left menu, browse to Engage > Adverts.

Step 2: Manage the list of Adverts as required

On the Adverts page, you can perform one of the following actions:
+Advert - add new Advert. See Add Adverts in Buzzspark.
Use the search tool to quickly find specific Adverts.
Use Action buttons for a specific Advert to:
Edit – edit an existing Advert. See Editing Adverts in Buzzspark.
Delete – delete an existing Advert. A confirmation is required before the Advert is deleted.

Perform Bulk actions on Multiple Adverts in one go by selecting the corresponding checkboxes or clicking the select all checkbox in the bulk actions toolbar at the top to:
Enable – changes the status of the selected Adverts to enabled, so they appear in Displays to which they have been added.
Disable – changes the status of the selected Adverts to disabled, preventing them from appearing in Displays to which they have been added.
Delete– permanently deletes the selected Adverts.

Note: Once the Advert is deleted, it is also removed from any Displays in which it may have been set to appear.

See also, how to add Adverts in Widget and Event Displays.

Updated on: 04/02/2023

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