Articles on: Curate

Refining and Searching for Content in Moderation View

By default, the Moderation View displays all aggregated Content with the most recent items shown first. The Moderation Toolbar provides several ways in which you can narrow down and view a specific segment of content.

How to Refine and Search for Content

Step 1: Navigate to the Moderation View

From the left menu, browse to Curate > Moderate.

Step 2: Select options to refine content

Click the Refine button to expand all options
Network – expand the drop-down and select individual Networks you wish to filter. When no options are selected, all Networks are allowed.
Tags – expand the drop-down and select Tags you wish to filter. When no options are selected, all content with or without any Tags is allowed.
Media – expand the drop-down and select the type of content to filter. When no options are selected, all content regardless of type is allowed.
Text – only allows posts that only contain text (no images or videos)
Image – only allows posts with images
Video – only allows posts with videos

Products – expand the drop-down and select Products you wish to filter. When a Product is selected, only content Tagged with that Product is allowed. When no products are selected, all content regardless of Products Tags is allowed.
Pin – expand the drop-down and select an option to filter content based on whether it has been Pinned in any Display. When no options are selected, all content (Pinned or Not Pinned) is allowed.
Status – expand the drop-down and select options for which you wish to filter. When no options are selected, all content regardless of its status is allowed.
Published – only allows Published content.
Queued – only allows Queued content.
Disabled – only allows Disabled content.
Scheduled – only allows content that is Published on Schedule.
Auto Disabled – only allows content that has been Disabled by the system, for example the post has been deleted on the originating Network.
User Blocked – only allows content where the creator has been Blocked.
Text Filter – only allows content that has been Auto Disabled by the Banned Word Filter

Date – click to filter content based on date and enter the date criteria in the Refine by Date modal.

When only a From timestamp is specified, all content posted from that timestamp until now is allowed.
When only a To timestamp is specified, all content posted up until that timestamp is allowed.
When both From and To timestamps are specified, only content posted in that period is allowed.

Newest / Oldest – select the sort order for the results.
Search – enter a search term you wish to filter. Only content that contains the search term in the Tile’s text, or the creator’s display or screen names is allowed.
Refine View – click to refine the results based in the criteria entered above
Reset – click to clear all filters and show all content.

Updated on: 04/02/2023

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