Articles on: Analytics

Engagement Report

Engagement Reports provide insight into your most actionable content, measuring performance by user interactions across all Displays.

Viewing Engagement Reports

Engagement Reports can be accessed by browsing to Reports > Engagement from the left menu, or by the clicking on the View Engagement Report link in the Top Tiles snapshot on the Summary Report page.

Customising Engagement Reports

By default, the Engagement Report shows top performing content across all Displays ranked by Total Interactions over the last 7-day period. You can customise the report by:
Changing the date-range
Filtering the reporting content
Changing the performance metrics

See also Downloading and Saving Reports for details on how to download reports in PDF or Excel format and saving custom reports for future use.

Changing the Date Range of Engagement Reports

Click on the Reporting Period dropdown in the Engagement Report toolbar.
Select the required period in the Date Range dropdown by either selecting a pre-defined period from the_ Date Range_ dropdown, or entering custom dates in the From and To fields.
Click on the Generate button to generate the report.

Filtering Content in Engagement Reports

Click on the Filters dropdown in the Engagement Report toolbar.
Select the required criteria in the Filters dropdown:

Expand the drop-down and select one or more Networks you wish to include. When no options are selected, content from all Networks is included.

Expand the drop-down and select the Tagged content you wish to include. When no options are selected, all content (Tagged or not) is included.

Expand the drop-down and select the type(s) of content to include. When no options are selected, all content regardless of type is included.
Text includes posts that only contain text (no images or videos).
Image includes posts with images.
Video includes posts with videos.

Expand the drop-down and select any Products you wish to include. When a Product is selected, only content Tagged with that Product is included. When no Products are selected, all content regardless of Products Tags is included.

Expand the drop-down and select the required Statuses of content you wish to include. When no options are selected, all content regardless of status is included.
Published includes Published content.
Queued includes Queued content.
Disabled includes Disabled content.
Scheduled includes content that is Published on Schedule.
Auto Disabled includes content that has been Disabled by the system, for example the post has been deleted on the originating Network.
User Blocked includes content where the creator has been Blocked.
Text Filter includes content that has been Auto Disabled by the Banned Word Filter.

Click on the Generate button to generate the report.

Changing Performance Metrics in Engagement Reports

Visual Marketing - Changing Performance Metrics in Engagement Reports

Click on the Sort By dropdown in the Contributors Report toolbar.
Select the required metric from the dropdown list:
Impressions - Total impressions of the Tile (post) across all Displays.
Total Interactions - Total number of Clicks, Network Interactions, Shares and CTA Clicks for the Tile.
Clicks - Total number clicks on the Tile to view the Expanded Tile or to view the Tile on the originating Network.
Network Interactions - Total number of Reply, ReTweet or Likes for the Tile.
Shares – Total number of Shares for the Tile.
CTA Clicks - Total number of Product CTA or Product Hotspot clicks for the Tile.

Click on the Generate button to generate the report.

Updated on: 03/02/2023

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