Articles on: Getting Started

Glossary of Terms

A quick reference index of key terminology used in Buzzspark

Account (or Buzzspark Account)

A business account in Buzzspark for aggregating, curating and distributing UGC. Not be to be confused with an Account User.

Account User

A registered user on the Buzzspark platform that has access to one or more Buzzspark Accounts. New users can be invited to existing Accounts and their Role determines access privileges within that Buzzspark Account. See Managing Account Users.


Branded or sponsored content that is periodically pushed to audiences in Widget and Event Displays for promotional, messaging and advertising purposes. Adverts can be either images or videos, and direct users to specific click-thru URLs. See What are Adverts in Buzzspark?.


The automated collection of UGC from social networks and platforms via Sources.

Aggregation Schedule

User defined schedules in Sources during which UGC is aggregated from social networks and platforms. See How to schedule aggregation of content from social networks.

Archived Tile

A Tile (specific item of content) such as Rights managed content that is protected against accidental or automated deletion. See Archiving and Unarchiving Content.

Auto Disabled

The status of an item of content that has been automatically Disabled by the system for one or more reasons such as the content containing Banned Words. See Understanding Tile Statuses - Published, Queued and Disabled.


See Historic Content.

Banned Word

A NSFW (not suitable for work) word that appears in the Global Banned Word List that is used in Sources for automatic filtering of unsuitable contain during aggregation. See Banned Word Filter.


Customisable headers or footers that appear in Widget and Event Displays. See Customising Headers and Footers in Event Displays and Customising Banners in Widget Displays.


A specified list of usernames used in Sources for automatic filtering. Content from these users is discarded during aggregation. See Blocking or Blacklisting content from specific content creators.

Blocked User

A content creator on a social network that has been manually blocked in a Buzzspark Account. Content posted by a blocked user is automatically set to Disabled status in Sources during aggregation. See Blocking or Blacklisting content from specific content creators.

Bulk Actions

A time saving feature in Buzzspark that allows selecting multiple items and performing a common action on each item, such as publishing multiple Tiles in one go.

Change Log

An audit log of all activity occurring within an Buzzspark Account. See Viewing and exporting the Change Log.


The authorised linking of a Buzzspark Account to personal or business account on supported social networks. Used for aggregating content from social network via official APIs. See Managing Connections to Social Accounts.

Content Tags

See Tags.

Custom Code

Editable code (CSS, HTML and JavaScript) templates for advanced customisation of Widget and Event Displays. See Customising Code in Event Displays and Customising Code in Widget Displays.


See Moderation.

Custom Tile

Custom or branded content (posts) created by Account Users that appears in Display feeds. See What are Custom Tiles and how to create them?.


Provides a snapshot of your Buzzspark Account, including outstanding configuration tasks and performance metrics such as your most engaging content and top contributors.

Direct Uploads

See Forms.


A Tile’s status that denotes the item of content has been rejected from appearing in Displays – either manually by an Account User during Moderation or automatically by the system. See Understanding Tile Statuses - Published, Queued and Disabled.


Displays showcase curated feeds of content in your Buzzspark Account. See Widget and Event Displays. See What are Displays in Buzzspark?.

Event Display

Showcase real-time curated feeds of your content on large screen displays and digital signage. See Anatomy of Event Displays.

Event Tracking

A Display feature used for tracking user interactions in Google Analytics such as Product CTA clicks. See Viewing Insights in Google Analytics.

Expanded Tile

The enlarged version of a Tile shown in Displays when users click on the corresponding Inline Tile. See Anatomy of Widget Displays and Anatomy of Event Displays.


A customisable form used to collect comments, photos, videos, and custom data from audiences via direct uploads. See What are Forms in Buzzspark?.


Funnels published (approved) content into feeds that power Displays based on specified criteria such as date, Network, Tags, Products, and Media Type. See What are Filters in Buzzspark?.

Grid View

A layout option in Moderation views where Tiles are shown in a table and only available on larger screens, generally laptops, desktops, and tablets in landscape. See Tile and Grid Views in Moderation.

Historic Content

Content that matches a Source criterion but was posted on social networks prior to the point in time when the Source was created. See Aggregating Historic content from social networks.

Ingest or Ingesting

See Aggregate.

Inline Tile

The compact version of a Tile shown in Displays. See Anatomy of Widget Displays and Anatomy of Event Displays.

Invited User

A user that been invited to a Buzzspark Account by another Account User. An invitied user becomes an Account User once they accept the invitation and log into the Buzzspark platform. See Adding Account Users to your Buzzspark Account.

Live Moderation

A moderation feature used to quickly moderate fast flowing aggregated content, particularly during Live events. See Moderating Live content.

Media Type

Refers to aggregated content by type; Image (content with images), Video (content with video), Text (content with text only).

Monthly Views

The total number of page views per month across all Displays allowed in your Buzzspark Account, subject to your subscription plan.


A workspace within Buzzspark where you can view all your content and take actions to decide which content to Publish and on which Displays. See Getting started with Moderation.


An Account User with a Role of Moderator or higher, that moderates aggregated UGC. See Understanding Roles for Buzzspark Account Users.


Social networks and platforms support by Buzzspark for aggregating content. See Which social networks are supported by Buzzspark?.

Network Interactions

Used in Displays and refers to Reply, ReTweet and Like buttons that appear on Tiles aggregated via Twitter.


Highlighting of content by pinning high-value or branded Tiles to specific, prominent positions in Displays. See Pinning and Unpinning Tiles in Displays.


See Tile.

Post Body

The content (image, video, and/or caption) of a Post (Tile) excluding the Post Title.

Post Time

The date and time when a Post (Tile) was originally created or posted.

Post Title

The title text of a Post (Tile). Note not all social networks include a title.

Product CTAs

Call to Action snippets that appear within UGC providing a direct path for visitors to purchase or learn more about your product. See What are Product Hotspots and CTAs?.

Product Hotspot

Shoppable Hotspot icons that can be placed directly on images within UGC that feature your products, providing a direct path for visitors to purchase or learn more. See What are Product Hotspots and CTAs?.

Products (or Product Tags)

Tags that represent items from your product catalogue. Used to highlight UGC where your products appear and provide a direct path to purchase using Product CTAs or Product Hotspots. See What are Products in Buzzspark?.

Profile Image

The image associated with the account that posted UGC on an originating social network or platform.

Publish Schedule

Specified time periods that control a Tile’s status so you can automatically Publish, or Unpublish specific content based on a schedule. See How to schedule a post to automatically Publish or Unpublish.


A Tile’s status that denotes the item of content has been approved for appearing in Displays. See Understanding Tile Statuses - Published, Queued and Disabled.


A Tile’s status that denotes the item of content is awaiting moderation. See Understanding Tile Statuses - Published, Queued and Disabled.

Retained Tiles

The total number of Tiles (items of content) allowed in your Buzzspark Account, subject to your subscription plan.


A set of pre-defined permissions assigned to Account Users that controls their access and privileges within a Buzzspark Account. See Understanding Roles for Buzzspark Account Users.

Saved View

Custom settings for refining content in Moderation views that can be shared amongst moderation teams to save time moderating specific campaigns or events. See Creating, Sharing and Managing Saved Views.


Aggregates content from social networks and platforms based on specific criteria that is relevant to your brand or campaigns. See What is a Source?.

Source Type

Type of content that can be aggregated from specific networks and platforms. For example, all posts with a hashtag or all posts by a specific user. See Which social networks are supported by Buzzspark?.


Tags are used to classify content and provide flexibility and control over which content to show on specific Displays as well as tagging your Products that appear in UGC. See What are Tags in Buzzspark?.


Pre-built layout and styling templates for Display that can be customised to match your brand. See Event Display Themes in Buzzspark and Widget Display Themes in Buzzspark.


An item of content (post).

Tile status

The status of an item of content (Tile) that denotes whether the content can appear in Displays. See Understanding Tile Statuses - Published, Queued and Disabled.

Tile View

A layout option in Moderation views optimised for smaller screens and is the default for mobile devices. See Tile and Grid Views in Moderation.


Performance analytics of Displays, tracked via Google Analytics. See also Event Tracking.. See Analytics & Reporting in Buzzspark.


A specified list of usernames used in Sources for automatic filtering where only content from these users is aggregated.

Widget Display

Showcase interactive, real-time curated feeds of your content on websites and mobile apps. See Anatomy of Widget Displays.

Updated on: 04/02/2023

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